Using the Laws of Attraction

YOUR MIND is the most powerful tool you possess, and the power of your focused intention creates an energetic pathway that allows you to draw what you desire directly to you. By finding a variety of ways to focus your intention you can use the laws of attraction to manifest wealth and abundance, and improve your life in many ways. Carol Holaday, author of Crafting a Magical Life, shares how she uses the laws of attraction through intention-focusing craft ideas that get results, and that can help you use the laws of attraction to achieve your goals,
from love and wealth to happiness and health.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Having fun with intention focusing crafts

Last weekend I talked to guests at a Myztic Isle, a metaphysical store in La Mesa, CA. Everyone was very pleasant and we had a great discussion about the science of magic and the importance of finding ways to focus intention in order to bring about results. At the end of the talk we all made paper talismans, like the ones in Chapter 7 of Crafting a Magical Life.

It was fun to see what everyone wrote and drew on their talismans and very interesting to have them talk about why they were creating this particular talisman and how they chose the symbols, words, etc., that they did. I also made a talisman for myself. This year two friends and I started our own charter school. Our funds were approved, but not distributed on time because of the money crunch. This left us scrambling for money to live on and we all applied for various retirement disbursements to keep us going for an extra month.

On my talisman was a six pointed star. In the outer spaces I put $ symbols. In the points of the star I wrote the number 8 for money and right use of power. In the center of the star I wrote my name and drew the symbol for Jupiter for good fortune. On the back I wrote in a circle around the edge, "SDNH is a very healthy and prosperous charter school." Inside that I wrote in another circle, "We all receive our first paychecks by," and in the center I wrote "10-1-09 OR SOONER."

After sitting with my talisman for a few moments imagining all of the symbols, numbers and letters glowing with universal life force energy and seeing myself opening my bank account to see that I had received my first paycheck deposit, I put my talisman in my wallet so that every time I took out any money I would see it.

This week we received notice that the last bit of paperwork had been sent to us and an order for disbursement of funds sent to the appropriate department. According to the email, once we send back the signed paperwork the money will be released for us to use to pay ourselves and order more books and supplies.

I'll keep you posted on our progress, and I feel confident that I will soon be posting that the money is in the bank and that I have received all of my back pay. :o)

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